Ethiopia - Keramo Wholesale

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The producers of Keramo live high in the beautiful Bombe mountains and have an out-grower relationship with our Ethiopian partner, Daye Bensa. The out-grower group consists of about 1,500 farmers in various parts of the mountain range, and these producers deliver their coffee to Daye Bensa’s Keramo Washing Station. The main varieties are JARC 74112 & cultivated local varieties.

Due to the staggering elevations of up to 2,300+ meters, the beans are very dense, with heavy concentrations of the smaller screen sizes (the majority is at 13-14). The Washed Keramo is traditionally wet fermented for between 36 and 72 hours, and then dried on African beds for about 12 to 15 days, until the coffee reaches approximately 10% moisture. During peak sun, the beds are covered to prevent over-drying. 

Producer: Daye Bensa

Location: Keramo, Bura, Bensa, Sidama

Farm: Co-op

Elevation: 2,300 masl

Variety: Heirloom

Process: Washed

We taste: Green Grape, Jasmine Tea, & Acacia Honey